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Thursday, May 3, 2012

Body Media Fit Stats Week 3 & 4

Here are my Body Media Stats from Weeks 3 and 4.

My body media fit is an amazing product that I could not do with out! I have had it about a year now, and it is one of the best fitness gadgets I have ever owned. You wear it all day and it keeps track of all the calories that you burn throughout the day. If you track your calories, you can make sure to create the deficit in your calories based on how much weight you are wanting to lose per week.  For example, I want to lose 2 pounds per week. 3500 calories equals one pound, so I need to create a calorie deficit of 7000 calories over a week to lose 2 pounds. As long as I am creating a calorie deficit of 1000 calories per day, I should have no problem losing 2 pounds.

Here is my body media fit stats from week 3:

Here is my body media fit stats from week 4:

Below you can learn more about the body media fit products on amazon.

I am using the Body Media Fit Advantage armband. You can add additional accessories to it. It comes with 3 months free of the software subscription you need for it to work, and then it is around $7 per month with no contract each month after. I am a very stingy person, and $7 per month is worth it to me if it will help me become healthy!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Why am I Doing This?-Week 3

So again, I am a little behind on my blog. This past week (4/15-4/21) I lost another 2 pounds keeping me right on track with my goal!

This past week (since it is now Saturday) I have not been doing well at all. I had some personal things come up that caused me a lot of stress and I didn't focus on my healthy habits like I should have.

Tomorrow I will be weighing in, and I will be happy not to gain weight. I used this week and the stress as an excuse to keep eating things that I know aren't healthy and not exercise. I was sick most of the week as well, but I still could have made better choices.

I am so frustrated with myself, but I am not going to let this derail me anymore than it has already. In the past when I have been trying to lose weight, I would do the same thing and then give up because I felt like I was too far gone.

This time is going to be different. I am taking a step back and refocusing on why I am doing this in the first place. I know that by reminding myself why I am doing this for myself will help me to realize that it is worth it and why it is so important.

That brings me right to the entire point of my blog...Why am I doing this?

At the beginning of the 90 day challenge that I started doing with the Body by Vi challenge, I had to list the reasons why I was wanting to do the challenge and what my goals were. When I decided to promote the challenge, I also had to list my goals and specifically why I decided to promote the challenge.

For the 90 Day Challenge, my goal is to lose 15 lbs and 10 inches. I have already lost 10 lbs and have since changed my goal to losing 25 lbs during the 90 day challenge. I haven't measured myself, and plan to do that at 4, 8 and 12 weeks of the challenge.

My reasoning for deciding to promote the challenge is that I want to have kids in the future but I want to be physically and financially ready first. Visalus gives me the opportunity to transform physically and the potential to make money, all while being able to help others in the process.

I have always struggled with my weight, and I have never beat it. I honestly feel like I can do it, and that I have everything I need to do it this time. The only thing that keeps standing in my way is myself. I seem to sabotage myself whenever I do well. That is the part that I will always be learning how to deal with. I think that if I continue to remind myself why I am doing this, I will be able to see the bigger picture and this will help me realize that making poor decisions are so temporary and they are not worth it when the can affect things in the long run.

Its really easy to hide this and be alone in this process, but I think that by doing this blog and being transparent to everyone who reads it, I will be able to help others and make myself stay accountable.

So regardless of what the scale says in the morning when I weigh in, I am not looking back. I am going to take it for what it is and move on. The scale is just an indicator that does not define me. I am so much more then what the scale says. Me being a healthier, happier, and financially sound person will help my future children out so much more than what the number on the scale reads. This week is behind me, and I am ready for it to be a new week and push past it while still learning from it!